Paul Halter
Juggling Poet

For your entertainment you could do much worse
Than booking the juggler who patters in verse.
Now since he's a juggler I'm sure that you know
He'll come with a broad range of objects to throw.
Of course there'll be clubs that he'll juggle with flair
And also some beanbags and balls in the air.
He might use a bowling ball, maybe five rings
And yes, he will juggle with dangerous things.
He's one of those jugglers who gamble their lives.
He might start with fire, and he might throw some knives
For classical club tricks he's got quite a knack
Like under the leg throws, and behind the back.
He'll do even more than five objects, sometimes,
And unlike the other ones, this juggler rhymes.
Those in the audience hear the man speak
In rhyme as he juggles. It's just so unique.
Perhaps he'll do something the crowd won't forget
And juggle huge torches! The world's largest set!
The fans who have seen him repeatedly know
His favorite finale for ending a show:
On the harmonica playing a song
While juggling and hoping that nothing goes wrong
Three items combining some sharp blades with fire:
A knife and a torch and club of barbed wire.
His eyes follow each wicked prop as it glides.
He might even do that big stunt as he rides
A tall unicycle that raises the stakes.
He'll risk his wellbeing, since that what it takes
To give you a juggling show unlike the rest.
So go right ahead now and just book the. . . . .
The guy who rhymes while he juggles a bunch of stuff.

Paul Halter has been performing unique comedy juggling shows since 1992. He combines top-notch juggling skills with audience interaction and distinctive humorous poetry to create an engaging performance.

If you're looking for lively, unforgettable entertainment for your event, you're looking for Paul Halter, Juggling Poet.